When using a torrent client on Windows such as utorrent, it’s not a bad idea to run peer block to protect your computer from inbound connections from a maintained list of known ip addresses.
Linux comes with a torrent client built in, usually Transmission, although Deluge is a bit more like utorrent, i.e. shows more info on the screen, has a few more options etc. Transmission works perfectly well though and ticks the minimalist box if that’s your thing. Both are available via the repositories using the built in package manager.
Peer Block isnt available for Linux. Transmission however, supports the use of blocklists, so increasing your level of protection has actually never been simpler.
In Preferences, just add the following url to the Blocklist field and click Update. Done.
To provide system-wide protection, you should install ufw from the package manager.
gufw is a GUI that can be used to enable ufw and configure rules.
ufw is installed by default in Linux Mint but is not turned on.