Finding SIDs that haven’t changed after SetACL

This post follows on from a previous post sidmaps and setacl describing how you can use SetACL with a SID map generated using dsquery to translate sidHistory attributes to primarySIDs for migrated groups used in the permissions on your data.  It is used in the final stages of a domain migration so cut the reliance on the continued existence of the old domain controllers in order to verify that the sidHistory attributes of migrated groups in the new domain still correspond with a valid object in the old domain (often referred to as ‘lookback’ or ‘reachback’).

Before an old domain can be decommissioned, the SIDs securing the NTFS folders need to be switched to use only the primary SIDs of the migrated groups.

Once a first pass of SetACL with a sidmap has been run, you’ll need to check that there are no legacy SIDs still being used to secure any folders.

To achieve this, I re-run an export of the security using a command similar to

icacls E:\rootfolder /save H:\exports\E_export.txt 

then split the potentially large log file up into 10Mb pieces using a free filesplitter such as the one available here

I open each file and re-save in ANSI encoded format using Notepad++ available here Notepad++ This is necessary for the subsequent pattern matching steps to work correctly.

I make sure I have GNUWin32 utilities installed available here GNUWin32 so that I can use powerful command line utilities such as cut, sort and uniq ordinarily only available in Linux/UNIX, in Windows.

The following command is then used to strip the old sids from the files and create a new unique list of old SIDs

cut -d; -f6 file_01(10).txt | cut -d) -f1 | findstr S-1-5-1-123456789 | sort | uniq >> sidlist.txt      

(can use | wc -l to just count lines)

I repeat the command on the first file of the set of ten split files i.e file_01(10).txt, for the following fields (we’ve already done field 6 i.e. -f6)

11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56 and so on (increments of 5) until I get nothing more out for file_01(10).txt before moving on and repeating the process for file 2 i.e file_02(10).txt and so on until I’ve exhausted all 10 files.  This doesn’t take as long as it sounds.  It’s even quicker if you put it in a loop like this…

REM Requires GNUWin32 installed as a prereq.
REM Use fsplit.exe to break large icacls exports into 10MB pieces.
REM Usage Example: extractsids.bat exportfile_01(16).txt 1552345678
SET /a i=6
IF %i%==56 GOTO END
echo Extracting sids matching %2 from field %i% in %1…
cut -d; -f%i% %1 | cut -d) -f1 | findstr %2 | sort | uniq >> %1_sidsextracted.txt
SET /a i=%i%+5
sort %1_sidsextracted.txt | uniq > %1_%2_extractedsids.txt
if exist %1_sidsextracted.txt | uniq > %1_%2_extractedsids.txt
if exist %1_sidsextracted.txt (
del %1_sidsextracted.txt
) else (
echo “Somethings gone wrong.
echo Done! Extracted sids written to %1_extractedsids.txt

I then re-sort and unique the list again to end up with my final list of SIDs that were not changed as part of the initial Re-ACL process. (Step is included in batch file above).

sort sidlist.txt | uniq > unchanged_sids.txt

If I need to identify what users or groups these unique SIDs correspond to in AD, then I can use the free tool available here sidtoname.exe in conjunction with the following batch file that I’ll call get_names.bat

@echo off
REM Usage:  From a command line…
REM groupnames.bat unchanged_sids.txt > names.txt
REM Dependencies: sidtoname.exe
for /f %%a in (%1) do (
sidtoname.exe %%a

And there you have it.  A list of groups whose SID’s were not changed after an initial pass of SetACL with a sidmap.  You now need to take the list of sids or the list of groups and determine the sidHistory and primarySIDs of them, then append them to your original sidmap before re-running another pass of SetACL.  Note that the groups listed in names.txt could be user names as well as group names (or aliases too).  They will be conveniently prepended with a label of User, Group or Alias accordingly.




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