Counting number of files in a Linux/UNIX filesystem

cd to the starting directory, then to count how many files and folders exist beneath,

find . -depth | wc -l

although in practice find . | wc -l works just as well leaving off -depth.  Or to just count the number of files

find . -type f | wc -l

Note that on Linux, a better way to compare source and destination directories, might be to count the inodes used by either filesystem.

df -i

Exclude a hidden directory from the file count, e.g. .snapshots directory on a NetApp filer

#find ./ -type f \( ! -name “.snapshot” -prune \) -print | wc -l – Note:  had real trouble with this!

New approach…  :o(

ls -al | grep ^d | awk {‘print $9’} | grep -v “^\.” | while read eachdirectory; do

     find ./ -depth | wc -l


Then add up numbers at the end.

Another way to count files in a large filesystem is to ask the backup software.  If you use emc Networker, the following example may prove useful.

sudo mminfo -ot -q ‘client=mynas,level=full,savetime<7 days ago’ -r ‘name,nfiles’

name                         nfiles

/my-large-volume          894084

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