Zone configuration on Cisco MDS

This post covers the commands used to display zone configuration, activate/deactivate zones, create/delete aliases for fibre attached devices, create/delete zones and create/delete zonesets and copying the configuration to the running configuration.

By default 3 VSANS in MDS Switches
show vsan         -3 zones, 1 (active), 4079 (evfp_isolatied_vsan), 4094 (isolated_vsan)

Enter configuration mode
config t
vsan database
vsan 1 suspend

Create new VSAN
vsan 100
Give it a name
vsan 100 name ProdVSAN100
show vsan

You can see VSAN100 is in active state
Add physical interface
config t
vsan database
vsan 100 interface fc1/1    (Add individual interface)
vsan 100 interface fc1/2-16  (Adds range of interfaces)

Enable Interfaces/Ports
config t
interface fc1/1   (exit and Repeat for other interfaces)
no shut    (Enables interface – shut disables)

show flogi database            (Check what wwn’s have flogged in)
show fcns database vsan 100   (State of VSAN100)

Disable the default zone
no zone default-zone permit vsan 100

Create the FC-Alias for Zone
fcalias name SUN_HBA1 vsan 100
member pwwn 10:00:00:00:c9:b0:b9:8e

fcalias name Win_HBA1 vsan 100
member pwwn 10:00:00:00:c9:b0:b9:8e

fcalias name VNX_SPA vsan 100
member pwwn 50:06:01:6b:08:60:10:07

show fcalias

Create the Zone
zone name WIN_HBA1_VNX_SPA vsan 100
member fcalias VNX_SPA
member fcalias Win_HBA1
zone name SUN_HBA1_VNX_SPA vsan 100
member fcalias VNX_SPA
member fcalias SUN_HBA1
show zone

Create the Zoneset
zoneset name Cloud_Zone vsan 100

Activate the Zoneset
zoneset activate name Cloud_Zone vsan 100

Save the configuration
copy running-config startup-config

Validate the Zone configuration and show the active zone
show zoneset            (Displays Zoneset, with Zones inside and aliases inside)
show zoneset active     (Displays same but connection status indicated also)

Deactivate the zoneset
no zoneset activate name Cloud_Zone vsan 100

Delete the zoneset
no zoneset name Cloud_Zone vsan 100

Delete the zones
no zone name WIN_HBA1_VNX_SPA vsan 100
no zone name SUN_HBA1_VNX_SPA vsan 100

Delete the Aliases
no fcalias name SUN_HBA1 vsan 100
no fcalias name Win_HBA1 vsan 100
no fcalias name VNX_SPA vsan 100

show zone   (Zone not present)
show fcalias (Alias not present)

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