Is that VMWare task still running?

So, you’ve told vmware to create a fairly large disk out of one of the datastores, and it’s been ticking along nicely, then bam, an IO latency spike on your SAN has caused vmware to throw an error.  You can see your .vmdk file on the datastore, but the vm can’t see it, and you can’t delete it.  You’re left wondering whether “it’s doing anything or not” with no apparent way to tell in vSphere.   Grr.  You need information about vmware tasks.

ssh to the ESXi host

List all tasks running on host for all VMs

vim-cmd vimsvc/task_list

Obtain vmid of your VM

vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

Make a note of vmid

vim-cmd vmsvc/get.tasklist

Make a note of the task identifier – this is the number on the end of the task, i.e. ..sometask-3360′]

View task information

vim-cmd vimsvc/task_info 

Look for the state=”running” field.

My blog posts are intended to be as concise as possible, since they are only intended to serve as a quick reminder on how I once did so-and-so.  Official instructions for this particular topic are available from vmware’s knowledge base here…

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