Obtain Status Summary from FC Switches in your SAN

Keep SAN switch status info in one place and analyse it daily.  This can be useful for SAN reporting purposes.

It’s a little script I knocked together that looks “bigger” than it actually is (I could improve it further by introducing another loop to eliminate a lot of repetitive code).

It has the pre-requisite of copying ssh keys to each switch to allow a remote nasadmin user to authenticate without passing a password across the network prior to running the show interface brief command and passing the output back to the remote script over an encrypted connection.

Don’t put passwords in your scripts, especially for user accounts that have superuser access to important stuff like your fc switches.  Hacking (in the context of Cracking) is an opportunist crime that exploits bad practices like this to gain entry to the parts of your infrastructure that a denial of service attack would cause the most damage.


# Substitue names of fc-switches below…
FC_SWITCHES=( fc-switch-1 fc-switch-2 fc-switch-3 fc-switch-4 )

#Code Section
#Obtain detail from each switch
#(requires ssh keys to be set up on each switch to enable passwordless ssh authentication of admin user on central node)
# begin first loop
/usr/bin/ssh -q admin@${EACHFCSWITCH} “show interface brief” | tee ${MYDIR}/ShowInterfaceBrief_${EACHFCSWITCH}

#All Show Interface Brief information collected.

#Process information to summarize it in /local/home/nasadmin/switches/SwitchSummary
rm ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary} 2>&1
cd ${MYDIR}
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep ^Sh | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_in=`grep “in” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_fc=`grep “fc” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_up=`grep “up” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_notConnected=`grep “notConnected” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_down=`grep “down” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_trunking=`grep “trunking” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_sfpAbsent=`grep “sfpAbsent” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_errDisabled=`grep “errDisabled” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`

echo ${EACHSWITCH} >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “in ${VAR_in}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “fc ${VAR_fc}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “up ${VAR_up}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “notConnected ${VAR_notConnected}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “down ${VAR_down}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “trunking ${VAR_trunking}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “sfpAbsent ${VAR_sfpAbsent}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “errDisabled ${VAR_errDisabled}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo ” ” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary

#Process information to summarize it in /local/home/nasadmin/switches/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “Switch,” > ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | cut -d_ -f2 | while read EACHSWITCH
echo -n “${EACHSWITCH},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “in,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_in=`grep “in” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_in},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “fc,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_fc=`grep “fc” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_fc},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “notConnected,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_notConnected=`grep “notConnected” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_notConnected},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “down,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_down=`grep “down” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_down},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “trunking,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_trunking=`grep “trunking” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_trunking},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “sfpAbsent,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_sfpAbsent=`grep “sfpAbsent” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_sfpAbsent},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “errDisabled,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_errDisabled=`grep “errDisabled” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_errDisabled},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

sed ‘s/,$//’ ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv >${MYDIR}/SwitchSummaryExcelFormat.csv
rm ${MYDIR}SwitchSummary.csv

#Optionally copy to windows share–> scp S${MYDIR}/witchSummaryExcelFormat.csv windows-server:/windows-share

#Clean exit (before Comments section)
cd –

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